Once Upon a Time…There were Beautiful Beaches

Bondi Beach

Try as I might I could not avoid the jet lag of a 17 hour time difference and woke up the next day bright and early at 4:30 am. I can’t even remember the last time that I naturally woke up at that time and was ready to go. So for my second day in Australia Kelsey and Andrew decided to take me to the world famous Bondi Beach. The beaches here are gorgeous and much prettier than at home in California. The sand is softer, the water bluer, it is a much more tropical environment. I am really looking forward to exploring the beaches this next week and finding my beach. ๐Ÿ™‚ I am so glad that God moved me to a place with beaches. The main difference here is that there are shark attacks and in order to prevent them, many of the bays have netting placed underwater to keep them at away. The seagulls here are smaller, but I still hate them. Below is a video of the beach, and the evil seagulls.

My room before unpacking

We were so exhausted from our two whirlwind days that by day three Kelsey and I decided to stay home to unpack and run a few errands while Andrew went back to work. Moving your whole life to another country is overwhelming. Moving in general is overwhelming, then add to it knowing nothing, and having everything be similar, but very different at the same time and you will begin to

My Unpacking Mess

understand how I feel. Day three brought with it down time, and that it turn gave me time to really sit with what I have just done. Poor Kelsey has to deal with my millions of questions, but it is comforting knowing that she has done this all before. Once I unpacked, it helped relieve some of the anxiety to have my stuff out of suitcases, but during the storm of unpacking, it just made my anxiety worse. It always gets messier before it gets better. ๐Ÿ™‚ Now, though, I am all unpacked, toiletries bought and this next week I no longer am a tourist, but I actually live here. Ahhh! Thank you all for praying for me. If you think about it pray that I find a job quickly as well as a home church, especially a home church. Hopefully once those things are in place It will feel more like home and less like a foreign land.



4 thoughts on “Once Upon a Time…There were Beautiful Beaches

  1. It makes it feel so much more real like im getting to experience a little smudge of it with you through your videos and pictures…I LOVE IT!! Man i can’t help get a little weepy though. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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